Monday, November 30, 2009

How To Increase Your Metabolism Naturally

When you learn how to increase your metabolism naturally you will be burning more fat and calories even when you are not active. The best way to boost your metabolism is to increase your daily activity with strength training exercises to build lean muscle. Eating a healthy diet full of whole natural foods such as lean proteins, vegetables, fruits and nuts is very important for your body to function properly.

Metabolism usually slows down as we age due to loss of muscle tone and decrease in exercise. This can be overcome by incorporating strength training to build muscle and increase your metabolism. Strength training can be done with weights, resistance bands or with body weight exercises such as pushups. Strength training should be done 2 to 3 times per week. Make sure you skip a day to give your muscles a break. As your muscles increase, you will be burning more calories.

You should also increase your daily activity level to include at least three days of aerobic exercise. Interval training is one of the best ways to burn calories fast. Try to fit more activity and less sitting into your day. Don't pass up any chances for moving around. Even small bouts of exercise add up to increase your metabolism naturally.

Breaking up your meals into five or six smaller meals will increase your metabolism and help you burn more calories. Include protein and fiber rich vegetables into most of your meals. It has been shown that adding foods such as flax seed and cold water fish which are rich in omega-3's will drastically increase your metabolic rate. Avoid junk food - it will slow down your metabolism. Eat healthier - your body will perform better when it has the proper nutrients.

Make sure you drink at least eight full glasses of pure water each day. It will keep your body hydrated and flush toxins from your system.

Stress and getting too little sleep can slow down your metabolism. Stress can trigger emotional eating and cause weight gain. You should get at least seven hours of sleep per night to increase your metabolism.

Follow these methods to increase your metabolism naturally and you will shortly be burning more fat and calories.

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