Friday, December 11, 2009

How To Use Interval Training For Fast Weight Loss

Using interval training for fast weight loss has become very popular. It is suitable for people of all levels of fitness from beginners to advanced.

Interval training is simply alternating between low and high intensities of exercise. Research has shown that interval training burns more fat and calories than slow cardiovascular workouts do.

Using interval training for weight loss can be done using most methods of exercise. A treadmill, stationary bike, stepper, rebounder or elliptical equipment can be adapted to interval training by incorporating high and low intensity segments.

Beginners could start with a walking routine where they walk at a normal pace for three minutes and then a brisk pace for one minute - alternating between the normal and brisk pace. As you become stronger, you could incorporate jogging or sprinting into your interval training routine.

The length of the intervals can be varied depending on your fitness level. Starting out you might want to use a three to one ratio. Three minutes of low intensity exercise and then one minute of high intensity. If you really want maximum weight loss benefits from interval training, you could increase the ratio to three to two - three minutes of low intensity to two minutes of high intensity. You will really be burning fat with this ratio.

I recommend using an interval timer for your interval training sessions. You simply program your interval timer for the length of your high and low intensity intervals, clip it on your pants and it will beep when you need to change your intensity

You will find that using interval training will help you achieve your weight loss goals faster than just regular exercise will. Interval training can give you the same results as a normal cardio workout in about half the time.

During the high intensity portion, you should really be pushing yourself. If it becomes too easy, you need to increase the intensity.

Make sure that you warm up first to avoid injury. Cooling down is just as important. A five to ten minute warm up and cool down is advised.

Using interval training is an excellent way to increase weight loss and keep your routine from getting boring.

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