Monday, November 30, 2009

Rebounder Exercise - Mini Trampoline Exercise For Fun And Health

Mini trampoline exercise is one of easiest and best workouts that you can do. It will give you a full body workout that will keep you toned and firm. Jumping on a mini trampoline works all of your muscle groups and burns more calories than normal exercising does. Another benefit is that it is much easier on your knees and other joints. The mini trampoline absorbs the impact which lessens your chance of injury.

Exercising on a mini trampoline is fun and never boring. There are so many different workouts you can do. You can jog, jump, dance, twist and do any number of other moves. You can do all of this while watching TV or listening to music.

You will find that exercising on a rebounder will quickly firm and tone your entire body. I have found that it also reduces cellulite and tones up flabby areas such as arms, legs and even sagging facial skin. It will boost your metabolism and increase your endurance.

There are numerous health benefits from exercising on a rebounder. It gives all of your cells a workout and flushes waste and toxins from your lymphatic system. Your immune system is strengthened and cholesterol levels are lowered.

You should start out slowly when you begin exercising on a mini trampoline. Even those who exercise regularly will find that the rebounder works many different muscles than normal exercises do.

On the first day just start with a short five minute workout and then increase your time every day. The final goal is a thirty minute workout 3-5 days a week.

Always remember to warm up first with a slow bounce. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and gently bounce while keeping both feet on the rebounder mat. Warm up for about two minutes. The same gentle bounce should be done for two minutes for a cool down.

After your warm up you can begin bouncing, jogging, dancing, twisting, doing jumping jacks or whatever movements you want to do. Mix it up - have fun with it. You will be burning lots of calories and toning your body. Before you know it, your mini trampoline exercise program will fully tone and firm your whole body. You will be lean and healthy.

Please don't waste your money buying a cheap rebounder. They don't last very long. The springs break and can cause serious injury. The mats on the cheap ones don't give you a soft, springy bounce and they can cause damage to your joints.

Invest in a good quality mini trampoline for your exercise routine. It will last a lifetime.

For the best deals on highly recommended mini trampolines, visit Exercising On Mini Trampolines.

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