Sunday, November 29, 2009

The Best Way To Stop Sugar Cravings

There are many tricks that people use to stop their sugar cravings, but there is only one way that will stop them forever. If you crave sugar on a daily basis, you are probably addicted to sugar.

You are not alone - thousands of us are addicted to sugar and want to stop the sugar cravings that just won’t go away. Sugar puts you on a never ending cycle of craving - eating - and craving more. It truly is an addiction that is hard to overcome. The more sugar you eat, the more you want.

Because of this, the only way you can stop sugar cravings is to completely eliminate sugar from your diet. If you are saying to yourself - I can’t stop eating sugar - well, guess what? - you probably won’t.

The first step is to make a commitment to stop eating sugar. Don’t worry, there are many excellent replacements that will help you get through it. The next step is to rid your kitchen and office of all foods with sugar in them. This includes sodas, cookies, cakes and any other goodies you have. You don’t want to be tempted. If you don’t have them, you won’t eat them.

Next, stock up on lots of different fruits. Fruit is an excellent replacement for the sugar laden foods that you have been eating. It will calm your sugar cravings and is a much healthier alternative.

If you add a little protein to your fruits, it will keep you satisfied and fuller for a longer period of time. My favorite is apple slices with peanut butter. Make sure that the peanut butter you use is all natural and contains only peanuts and salt. Peanut butter is also good on bananas.

If you feel the need to use a sugar substitute, stevia is the best choice. It is all natural and won’t affect blood glucose levels or sugar cravings.

You can make some really terrific fruit smoothies that will replace ice cream. Freeze some chunks of fruit such as bananas, cherries, blueberries or strawberries (or buy the bags of frozen fruit). Add these in a blender (I use a Magic Bullet blender) with milk or yogurt. You can also add a tablespoon of cocoa powder (plain 100 percent cocoa with no sugar) if you are craving chocolate. They are also good with a tablespoon of peanut butter. If you need your smoothie a little sweeter, you can add a little stevia.

There are so many delicious varieties of smoothie desserts that will stop your sugar cravings in their tracks.

If you feel you need additional help, visit Cure A Sugar Addiction.

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