Friday, December 11, 2009

How To Use Interval Training For Fast Weight Loss

Using interval training for fast weight loss has become very popular. It is suitable for people of all levels of fitness from beginners to advanced.

Interval training is simply alternating between low and high intensities of exercise. Research has shown that interval training burns more fat and calories than slow cardiovascular workouts do.

Using interval training for weight loss can be done using most methods of exercise. A treadmill, stationary bike, stepper, rebounder or elliptical equipment can be adapted to interval training by incorporating high and low intensity segments.

Beginners could start with a walking routine where they walk at a normal pace for three minutes and then a brisk pace for one minute - alternating between the normal and brisk pace. As you become stronger, you could incorporate jogging or sprinting into your interval training routine.

The length of the intervals can be varied depending on your fitness level. Starting out you might want to use a three to one ratio. Three minutes of low intensity exercise and then one minute of high intensity. If you really want maximum weight loss benefits from interval training, you could increase the ratio to three to two - three minutes of low intensity to two minutes of high intensity. You will really be burning fat with this ratio.

I recommend using an interval timer for your interval training sessions. You simply program your interval timer for the length of your high and low intensity intervals, clip it on your pants and it will beep when you need to change your intensity

You will find that using interval training will help you achieve your weight loss goals faster than just regular exercise will. Interval training can give you the same results as a normal cardio workout in about half the time.

During the high intensity portion, you should really be pushing yourself. If it becomes too easy, you need to increase the intensity.

Make sure that you warm up first to avoid injury. Cooling down is just as important. A five to ten minute warm up and cool down is advised.

Using interval training is an excellent way to increase weight loss and keep your routine from getting boring.

Monday, November 30, 2009

How To Increase Your Metabolism Naturally

When you learn how to increase your metabolism naturally you will be burning more fat and calories even when you are not active. The best way to boost your metabolism is to increase your daily activity with strength training exercises to build lean muscle. Eating a healthy diet full of whole natural foods such as lean proteins, vegetables, fruits and nuts is very important for your body to function properly.

Metabolism usually slows down as we age due to loss of muscle tone and decrease in exercise. This can be overcome by incorporating strength training to build muscle and increase your metabolism. Strength training can be done with weights, resistance bands or with body weight exercises such as pushups. Strength training should be done 2 to 3 times per week. Make sure you skip a day to give your muscles a break. As your muscles increase, you will be burning more calories.

You should also increase your daily activity level to include at least three days of aerobic exercise. Interval training is one of the best ways to burn calories fast. Try to fit more activity and less sitting into your day. Don't pass up any chances for moving around. Even small bouts of exercise add up to increase your metabolism naturally.

Breaking up your meals into five or six smaller meals will increase your metabolism and help you burn more calories. Include protein and fiber rich vegetables into most of your meals. It has been shown that adding foods such as flax seed and cold water fish which are rich in omega-3's will drastically increase your metabolic rate. Avoid junk food - it will slow down your metabolism. Eat healthier - your body will perform better when it has the proper nutrients.

Make sure you drink at least eight full glasses of pure water each day. It will keep your body hydrated and flush toxins from your system.

Stress and getting too little sleep can slow down your metabolism. Stress can trigger emotional eating and cause weight gain. You should get at least seven hours of sleep per night to increase your metabolism.

Follow these methods to increase your metabolism naturally and you will shortly be burning more fat and calories.

Rebounder Exercise - Mini Trampoline Exercise For Fun And Health

Mini trampoline exercise is one of easiest and best workouts that you can do. It will give you a full body workout that will keep you toned and firm. Jumping on a mini trampoline works all of your muscle groups and burns more calories than normal exercising does. Another benefit is that it is much easier on your knees and other joints. The mini trampoline absorbs the impact which lessens your chance of injury.

Exercising on a mini trampoline is fun and never boring. There are so many different workouts you can do. You can jog, jump, dance, twist and do any number of other moves. You can do all of this while watching TV or listening to music.

You will find that exercising on a rebounder will quickly firm and tone your entire body. I have found that it also reduces cellulite and tones up flabby areas such as arms, legs and even sagging facial skin. It will boost your metabolism and increase your endurance.

There are numerous health benefits from exercising on a rebounder. It gives all of your cells a workout and flushes waste and toxins from your lymphatic system. Your immune system is strengthened and cholesterol levels are lowered.

You should start out slowly when you begin exercising on a mini trampoline. Even those who exercise regularly will find that the rebounder works many different muscles than normal exercises do.

On the first day just start with a short five minute workout and then increase your time every day. The final goal is a thirty minute workout 3-5 days a week.

Always remember to warm up first with a slow bounce. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and gently bounce while keeping both feet on the rebounder mat. Warm up for about two minutes. The same gentle bounce should be done for two minutes for a cool down.

After your warm up you can begin bouncing, jogging, dancing, twisting, doing jumping jacks or whatever movements you want to do. Mix it up - have fun with it. You will be burning lots of calories and toning your body. Before you know it, your mini trampoline exercise program will fully tone and firm your whole body. You will be lean and healthy.

Please don't waste your money buying a cheap rebounder. They don't last very long. The springs break and can cause serious injury. The mats on the cheap ones don't give you a soft, springy bounce and they can cause damage to your joints.

Invest in a good quality mini trampoline for your exercise routine. It will last a lifetime.

For the best deals on highly recommended mini trampolines, visit Exercising On Mini Trampolines.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Lose Weight With These Natural Weight Loss Remedies

Many people are shying away from pills and fad diets to lose weight and instead opting to use natural weight loss remedies.

Listed below are some of the best natural weight loss remedies that have been show to aid in weight loss. You should not incorporate all of these at one time. Choose a few at a time and see which ones work the best for you.

The herbs listed below can be purchased as loose leaves or in tea bag form. Drink three cups a day - one cup before each of your meals. Remember to seek your doctor's advice before taking any herbs as a natural weight loss remedy.

Fennel Seeds are rich in vitamin A and will help to metabolize and eliminate fat. They also can help with digestion problems.

Raspberry Leaves are well known for helping weight loss and they can also be used for relief from nausea or diarrhea.

Horehound which is known for helping coughs is also a diuretic and has been shown to aid in losing weight.

Cleavers are believed to help accelerate the metabolism. They are natural diuretics and can help relieve constipation.

Other natural weight loss remedies that can be included in your diet are:

Spirulina is an algae which helps detoxify the body, increase energy levels and give you a full feeling when taken before meals. It comes in powder and pill form.

Grapefruit - Eat grapefruit (one half) before each meal. The grapefruit diet was on to something. Eating grapefruit before meals has been shown to help burn fat.

Lemons - Squeeze a large slice of lemon into your water. Lemons help to detoxify your system and will help cleanse your liver.

Flax Seed - Eat two tablespoons of ground flax seed every day. Add it to oatmeal, yogurt and baked goods. It is packed with fiber and will help keep your system cleaned out.

It is always better to use natural weight loss remedies rather than pills or some of the crazy fad diets that are available.

What Does a Healthy Diet Consist Of? - Healthy Foods To Include In Your Diet

We are bombarded with so many different opinions about which foods are good for us, we would like to know - what does a healthy diet consist of? Which foods should we avoid and which should we include in our diet?

Listed below are ten of the healthiest foods that will provide your body with the nutrients it needs to improve your health and well being.

1. Dark Green Vegetables -- spinach, kale and broccoli. Rich in chlorophyll, minerals and many other nutrients and fiber.

2. Cold Water Fish -- salmon, mackerel and sardines. These are an excellent source of Omega-3 essential fatty acids and protein. Heart healthy and they are thermogenic -- meaning they help burn fat.

3. Oatmeal -- Packed full of soluble fiber to keep your system cleared out - makes you feel full so you eat less.

4. Fruits -- The two best are blueberries and apples. Blueberries are full of antioxidants and apples contain lots of fiber.

5. Nuts -- Walnuts and almonds are two of the best. Nuts are full of fiber and good fats.

6. Healthy fats found in olive, sesame, walnut and avocado oil. These are the oils you should be using on salads and to cook with.

7. Onions and Garlic -- Both are fantastic heart healers and are excellent antioxidants. Add them to as many foods as you can.

8. Beans -- Black beans, pinto beans, northern beans -- they are all packed with fiber which increases fat burning - an excellent source of protein.

9. Eggs -- Egg whites and the whole egg are filling sources of protein with lots of nutrients.

10. Dark Chocolate -- I know this one makes a lot of people happy. Dark chocolate has been shown to help regulate blood pressure and reduce cholesterol. It is also an antioxidant.

Now that you know what a healthy diet does consist of, be sure to include these foods in your daily diet. Don't forget to also drink lots of pure water and get some exercise every day.

For a FREE healthy meal plan, visit FREE Healthy Diet Plan.

The Best Way To Stop Sugar Cravings

There are many tricks that people use to stop their sugar cravings, but there is only one way that will stop them forever. If you crave sugar on a daily basis, you are probably addicted to sugar.

You are not alone - thousands of us are addicted to sugar and want to stop the sugar cravings that just won’t go away. Sugar puts you on a never ending cycle of craving - eating - and craving more. It truly is an addiction that is hard to overcome. The more sugar you eat, the more you want.

Because of this, the only way you can stop sugar cravings is to completely eliminate sugar from your diet. If you are saying to yourself - I can’t stop eating sugar - well, guess what? - you probably won’t.

The first step is to make a commitment to stop eating sugar. Don’t worry, there are many excellent replacements that will help you get through it. The next step is to rid your kitchen and office of all foods with sugar in them. This includes sodas, cookies, cakes and any other goodies you have. You don’t want to be tempted. If you don’t have them, you won’t eat them.

Next, stock up on lots of different fruits. Fruit is an excellent replacement for the sugar laden foods that you have been eating. It will calm your sugar cravings and is a much healthier alternative.

If you add a little protein to your fruits, it will keep you satisfied and fuller for a longer period of time. My favorite is apple slices with peanut butter. Make sure that the peanut butter you use is all natural and contains only peanuts and salt. Peanut butter is also good on bananas.

If you feel the need to use a sugar substitute, stevia is the best choice. It is all natural and won’t affect blood glucose levels or sugar cravings.

You can make some really terrific fruit smoothies that will replace ice cream. Freeze some chunks of fruit such as bananas, cherries, blueberries or strawberries (or buy the bags of frozen fruit). Add these in a blender (I use a Magic Bullet blender) with milk or yogurt. You can also add a tablespoon of cocoa powder (plain 100 percent cocoa with no sugar) if you are craving chocolate. They are also good with a tablespoon of peanut butter. If you need your smoothie a little sweeter, you can add a little stevia.

There are so many delicious varieties of smoothie desserts that will stop your sugar cravings in their tracks.

If you feel you need additional help, visit Cure A Sugar Addiction.